From Stephanie in Taiwan:
Hey Everyone! So I realized I left out a super important thing in my last post and that was to say thank you. Thank you all so. Thank you for supporting me and for allowing me to have this amazing experience. Words can not convey how grateful I am. That being said life in Taiwan is quite uhhh different. Not good, nor bad, just different. I could go on for hours about all the differences but for right now i'll stick with one. The automatic doors. Now this is a very minor difference (considering just how big some are) but it still affects me. In the U.S. automatic doors are just that, automatic. Here its about a 4 second delay. Now this may seem insignificant but every single time I go to an automatic door I forget this. And every single time I run straight into the glass. Oops. On the other end of the spectrum there are quite a few major differences in welfare of the people. Ive always been very very interested in psychology, sociology and human rights. Now at first I put these interests to the side and worry about other things. But an incident occurred that caused my mind to focus. Now i'm a bit apprehensive to share this because it is a very serious issue. But on my way to the bus station I saw a very severe case of domestic violence. I couldn't do anything at the moment but waited until the man left to attempt to comfort the women in my very poor Chinese. I cried for one of the first times since I got here that day. I cried because I could see the fear in that woman's eyes. A fear which has been shown in too many eyes. I haven't seen anymore cases but upon further research it apparently is somewhat of an issue here in Taiwan but normally kept out of the public's eye. Now you may be wondering why I chose to share this story of my amazing surplus of happy ones but the reason is because one of the first things I thought about when I saw this was rotary.  I thought about service before self and about how I can help not only this woman but this issue as a whole. I can't help much here  because of the language barrier but I'm working with the other exchange students and some classmates to print off flyers with the address and hotlines for domestic abuse centers (with rotary's permission of course). Also I encourage anyone who happens to read this to get involved with the local center. You never know who needs help. 
Thank you so much suburban rotary, THE BEST ROTARY IN THE UNIVERSE!
From Madi Zimmerman in Japan:
I can’t believe it’s already been a month. I don’t even know where to begin. My birthday is earlier in the month (September 6th) and they threw me a party. They being my host family, future host families, my counselor, his wife, and Mrs. Hashimoto. It was the Friday before my birthday. We went out to dinner and had a room to ourselves. Everyone is so nice- I was able to talk with my future host families. MY THIRD HOST FAMILY HAS A DOG. We had a traditional Japanese dinner and then we had cake. Cake that was Totoro themed! They found out Totoro is my favorite movie so they ordered a Totoro cake. I was so happy- it was so cute I didn't want to eat it. 
On my actual birthday my host family and I went to sushi conveyor belt and then came back to the house. They also gave me a cake-this time it was strawberry. I have never before made this big of a deal out of my birthday before. It was so sweet.
A couple of my classmates gave me presents as well-and they all sang me Happy Birthday. I love school so far. The first day was nerve-racking but I made it through-and I have a lot of friends- not just in my class. It is kind of strange being in a class full of 15-16 year olds when I am 19 now, but they are all very kind people-and I made some friends my age.
I joined Taiko(Traditional Japanese Drum) Club, and I am going to look at the Music club! I am so happy. I also am apart of ESS- English speaking students- I help with English. I also love going up to the library- I can’t read a lot of the books- but their Art section is fantastic.
School was cancelled one day because of the Typhoon, it wasn’t too bad in Hamamatsu-city. But, it was horrible near Tokyo.  
Sports day is also coming up- I am doing tug-o-war, jump rope, and marching. Yes, marching. I’m not sure why we are marching- I think it has something to do with respect…
During my second rotary meeting I meet to students who volunteered in Cambodia to plant trees. Their presentation was great, and very interesting. They are also my age. I talked to them in Japanese almost daily. They were very kind. Thank you!