Last week Travis Sholin introduced us to new member Charles Byars.  
Charles Byars was born and raised in North Omaha. He lost both of his parents by the age of four and began what seemed to be a journey of always getting the short end of the stick. Charles grew up as a ward of the state without consistency, a loving home, or anyone to turn to. Charles was determined to figure something out. In the early years of being a teenager Charles began to connect with a few non-profits that began to connect him with Jesus. Right away Charles knew that God had a bigger plan for him. Charles learned to stay positive despite being surrounded by negativity. Charles worked hard to get out of that cycle and now wants to give back to the same community he was raised in to help other individuals like himself. Charles wants to plant seeds in our youth. Charles had the vision of being a business owner and it wasn’t for his own self gain. He wanted to be a business owner to create unity, opportunity, and legacy. He is the founder and owner of Integrity Cleaning Services. Their mission is to bridge the gap in North Omaha. They aim to create opportunities for youth by equipping them with jobs, positive environments, and teaching them about creating a legacy. Legacies that equip our children and children’s children.
Currently, Charles is a member of Empowerment Network, an organization dedicated to doing business with other entrepreneurs in North Omaha. He is currently in Shift Omaha, an entrepreneur incubator dedicated to raising new leaders. Charles has seen that with the right tools people can rise above their daily situation. Charles has two young children and one angel baby that are his daily motivation. In Charles free time he loves to golf and spend time outdoors with his family.
Welcome, Charles! 