On December 4, 1967, Omaha Suburban Rotary received its new Charter. We believe Suburban Rotary is a shining example of the ideals of Rotary, and our members embody the Rotary motto of Service Above Self. Whether across our city, or across the world, Suburban Rotarians make an impact. And, of course, we have a good time while we do it.
As you contemplate joining Suburban Rotary, we know you may have questions about membership. We want you to make an informed choice!
What is Rotary?
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders and problem-solvers who come together to make positive lasting change in communities at home and abroad. Suburban Rotary of Omaha is a local Rotary club consisting of community and business leaders. We do service projects, meet weekly for lunch and enjoy social business networking activities. The Rotary motto is Service Above Self.
Who can join?
Membership is open to everyone. In the past, being a business owner, professional, or executive was a requirement, but Rotary has grown to be inclusive of all people interested in giving back to their community and the world. Our members range from young professionals to retirees. An invitation to apply is extended through a current member, so ask one of us to support you.
How is Rotary structured?
Rotary is made up of three parts: 35,000 clubs worldwide, Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. Together, we make lasting changes in our communities.
What kind of service projects do you do?
On average, our club organizes one volunteer community service project per month here in the metro area. We also support global projects. Our club's signature project grants high school students with special needs academic scholarships. Every year, we award ten students with a scholarship to attend a post-secondary school.
What are the time requirements?
There are currently no mandatory attendance requirements. As a vibrant club, we encourage active participation in at least two activities per month. Whether it's a weekly lunch meeting, a monthly service project or after-hours social, we are sure you will find something that suits your schedule.
What are the financial requirements?
Financial support is part of being an active Rotarian. There is an initiation fee and annual dues requirements, which can be paid in automatic monthly payments.
Why should I join Suburban Rotary of Omaha?
Suburban Rotarians improve our local community and world while building friendships that last a lifetime. You'll grow as a leader, expand your network and play a part in an international force for good. Plus, Sububrban Rotary is known for being "The Fun Club" so we'll make sure you enjoy a few laughs along the way.
Ready to become a member?
CLICK HERE to get started.